Anti-aging program is a model health maintenance, The anti-aging process is an anatomical and physiological changes occur that result in deterioration of organ function and is followed by illness (multi-organ disease), according to the nature of biological aging is a decrease in vitality and an increase in age-related disease (insulin resistance, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, Alzheimer's, dementia, cancer ...).
There are many theories about Anti-aging:
Metabolic theory of degeneration and aging, aging process natural states because of degeneration and metabolic changes;
Oxidant-antioxidant theory, suggests a balance between prooxidant substances found in the environment (food, macrobiotic), when the balance exceeds the antioxidant prooxidant the changes that damage cells;
Inflammatory theory, that all of the aging process occurs because the inflammatory process as the common soil hypothesis;
Silence gene theory, aging is associated with silence important genes (tumor suppressor genes, genes controlling the cell cycle, detoxification and metabolism of cholesterol), causes hormonal changes in the incidence of disease and cancer, by activating genes that aging can be prevented and restored;
Theory of system failure (reliability theory of aging), aging caused by the failure of the system, these changes are predictable, understandable and optimized, there is a data analysis and mathematical models and stop the aging process is not against nature (old as good as new)
Being a parent is a life process, initiated during development of the fetus, age infants, children, adolescents, young adults, older adults and to the end of life, aging is characterized by the deterioration of organs function in maintaining physiological homeostasis and stress (changes in body composition: water and reduced cell Solid and increased fat; decrease in vitality, muscular strength, flexibility sensi, bone mass, brain function, cardiovascular, respiratory, hormones, skin, reduction of adaptation to the stimulus, physical changes and declining organ function.
Anti-aging program is a model health maintenance to extend the healthy human life, by slowing down the aging process and keep all the body's systems and functions at its optimum level, preventing a disorder or disease before the disease manifests, and increase the vitality of the optimum with an integrated and holistic action, There are various ways in the anti-aging programs, usually focused on three areas:
First, the proper functioning of cells and DNA to fight glycation, inflammation, oxidation and methylation with nutrients
Second, homeostasis and integration of systems against problems with the endocrine system, immune, digestive and central nervous
Third, the whole body homeotasis against reciprocal relationship of mind, body and stress levels.
In anti-aging efforts, to make the body become stronger, healthier and passion, things to note:
- Maintaining mental health and mind, it is very big influence on the function and condition of the entire body system, that healthy living comes from healthy mind.
- The activation function-organ function is the activity and physical exercise (sports) regularly
- The selection and nutrition interventions, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, anti-carcinogenic, immune system booster, fat busting, burning carbohydrates ...
- Everything is a lifestyle change (therapeutic life style changes), an anti-aging program is expected with older people as a young man seen from the appearance and vitality
Anti-aging Old School New Body program is a unique combination of natural anti-aging and weight loss. Program fresh by including anti-aging in a weight loss program, making the body fit and conditions passionate look younger
- The fastest way to shape your body-lose weight, tone and firm up, and develop age-defying strength, is to use resistance training. NOT NOT cardio ... running ... and NOT by starving yourself ...
- The mistake you absolute MUST AVOID is to use an exercise system that forces you to start working out more than 90 minutes per week, especially if you're just getting started. Long workouts age you FASTER!
- The solution is found in an Old School-style of fitness ... one that does not demand extra cardio (you get your cardio DURING these super-short sessions) ... and one that takes only 90 minutes a week.
- The results have been proven throughout the decades ... and now, YOU can have the "Handbook" version of this exact system that we've had the good fortune to stumble across!
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We stand behind not only our product, but our commitment to YOU and your success.
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