We often hear how much benefit to be gained by consuming plenty of water. However, be careful if it is too much, rather than the benefits that we will get even disease. Such as medicine, water also has the exact dose to be consumed, meaning that if we drink too much water, the various side effects we will feel afterwards. In fact, the fatal impact, such as death. Examples like that happen to a woman resident of California (2007) which follows the water drinking contest sponsored by a local radio there. It is estimated that women consume as much as 2 gallons of water, equivalent to 7.6 liters of water in the contest. A woman's body was found lying lifeless in her home shortly after the water drinking contest.
Beware Danger!!
Never Too Much Drinking Water!
Actually, what happens to the body when we drink water excessively? There are two main things that happen to our bodies when we consume too much water at one time, namely:
- Consuming lots of water more than required will increase the total blood volume. Increased blood volume in the closed system of blood vessels that would make the heart and blood vessels and increases with increasing pressure on the system of blood vessels that covered it.
- The amount of water that is too much enters the body will improve kidney function. Kidneys will filter / filter out any fluid that enters the body, in contrast to the water pipe where the more water flow then the pipe will be clean. But in the kidney, it does not apply, even kidney burden will increase with the amount of water that must be filtered through the glomerulus. In fact, the glomerulus can be damaged as a result of filtering the amount of fluid that should not be needed by the body, glomerular work extra hard for it. In the kidney filtration system should maintain the amount of water (in the body) at a safe level that is required by the body, excess fluid as a result of the amount of water consumption must be removed from the body.
Excessive drinking water can cause a fatal state called hiponatraemia. Hiponatraemia is a state where salt levels in the blood (in this case sodium) is lower than it should be. In the normal concentration of sodium in the blood ranged from 135 to 145 millimoles per liter, but the state hiponatraemia salt concentrations less than 135 millimoles per liter. Severe state of hiponatraemia conditions can cause water intoxication which has symptoms include headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination (urination), and mental disorientation.
When you do a marathon is certainly a great thirst will hit you, is not it? If it were so, then the completion time of not a few of us who want to gulp lots of water to treat thirst is felt. But, did you know that when you do a marathon, then that moment vasopressin concentration in your body will increase. Increased vasopressin caused by the stress state of the body is tired during the marathon. Vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone that means is when hormone levels are high, the body tends to retain water in the body not to be issued. In other words, you will not quickly feel urination despite drinking plenty of water after doing a marathon. In such circumstances, consuming too much water would be fatal, ie hiponatraemia.
Hiponatraemia circumstances caused by the increased amount of water in the blood vessels of the kidney can not excrete excess water quickly. As a result, the excess water will get into the body's cells. The cells of the body with excess water will experience swelling. The cells were swollen body will not have difficulty expanding due to the water it receives, because it still has space around these cells. However, it is different from brain cells. Brain cells are confined within the skull bone hard and does not have enough room to expand when it receives the excess water. If excess water to enter the brain cells and the brain cell swelling, like other body cells, then what happens next is certainly a disaster. The body will experience seizures, coma, respiratory system stops, the brain stem herniate and ultimately lead to death.
Actually, a more appropriate way is to try to balance between the needs of the expenditure. For example, when you exercise you sweat as much as 500 milliliters per hour, then water should you drink is 500 milliliters as well. But is not it difficult to measure how much sweat per hour we spend it? If so things like this, what indicator? Joseph Verbalis, director of the Georgetown University Medical Center, had the right advice for you "drink to your thirst. It's the best indicator ", ie drink to cure your thirst, because it is the best indicator to know when we have to drink water. Drink water when thirsty and drink in moderation.
Drinking water rules right
Suggestion that drinking lots of water but also should not be too much to make us like faced with two conflicting things. Of course in the end it makes us confused. Then the recommendation to drink water right was like what the heck?
Drink enough water and reasonable
(not too little and not too much)
Are said to be too much and how excessive it anyway?
Related fatal impacts that occur in marathon runners due to drinking too much water, the International Marathon Medical Directors Association (IMMDA) recommends that we consume water when we feel thirsty and thirst. Consume enough water and not redundant, ie no more than 0:03 liters per kg of body weight. So, for example, a person weighing 50 kg, the consumption of drinking water that is allowed for that person is not more than 1.5 liters per day. This recommendation is to be very logical, because a person's weight certainly affect the amount of water that needs to be drank per day. People who are obese (greater weight) would require a larger amount of water than thin people.
When we often hear the advice to consume as much as 2 liters of water per day, it does not mean that all the needs of the body of water that is required to be derived from water. The recommended two liters could also include foods or drinks that contain lots of water, such as soups, milk, fruit, or other types of foods and beverages that contain water.
Drinking 2 liters per day rule applies to healthy people. As for kidney patients should certainly be limited, should not drink too much water, because it will further aggravate the kidneys.
Drink water gradually, not all at once in one time. For example, 1 glass after you wake up, followed 1 cup before and after breakfast, then 1 cup before and after lunch, one drink before and after dinner, and 1 cup before bed.
Many people are misguided because they want to get a good benefit from the water, they recklessly drinking water excessively, immediately drink plenty of water at a time. From the health side, this is not recommended due to the consumption of too much water at one time will make the blood volume into more. It will eventually weigh on the heart and kidneys. The heart is forced to pump blood faster and kidneys were ordered to remove fluid faster.
To that end, in order to drink water naturally healthy, taste, and gradually
(not direct much at once in one time).
The water requirement per day for each person differently depending on certain conditions, namely physical activity, weather, diet, weight, gender, and health condition. For that, take sufficiently tailored to the needs and conditions of each and drink when you feel thirsty, as thirst and hunger is the best indicator to know when our bodies need a drink. You can read how much water for human needs per day in this article: Drinking Water Supplies (liquid) for Human Per Day. Besides thirst, you can also find out the adequacy of the amount of fluid to the body through urine color (pee). When urine is bright yellow / clear and numerous, it means the body's fluid needs quite well and have been met. Meanwhile, if the color of the urine becomes darker turn (amber / orange) and few in number, it means the body's fluid needs are still not met.
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