Tips to Prevent Transmission of Herpes Simplex
Mode of transmission of herpes simplex is through sexual intercourse. This method is the most common in the spread of herpes. Physical contact is an important way of transmission of herpes simplex.
If you are diagnosed with herpes simplex. You will panic and stress
Plan a real action to cure herpes you suffered. While you've been infected with the herpes virus, does not mean that it's the end of the world. You can still be on vacation, and live happily. In addition it is also planned that you suffered herpes virus does not spread to others. For that do a few tips that can help you to live a life that herpes simplex infection does not spread.
1 # Get the right information about the disease herpes simplex
Many people infected with the herpes virus under stress and panic with their situation. To prevent it from experiencing it, do a search on the data of this herpes virus. Search data is done by carefully and thoroughly, because there are still data on herpes virus that is not accurate or even just a myth. In addition, you should consult a doctor. make sure that you get the right information about herpes disease, such as the transmission of herpes simplex, herpes prevention, and so forth, then one of the best sources of data is to consult a specialist.
2 # Do not cure herpes itself
Many people with herpes are trying to find cure for herpes, so try self-medication. However, because only trial and error and do not have adequate knowledge in the treatment of herpes, then they end up using the wrong drug. In some cases there is even worse because of the wrong use of the drug.
3 # Open to someone you trust
Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, because the disease is not just a physical problem. A person infected with herpes simplex infection will feel embarrassed and even can cause stress. Therefore, to cope with the stress caused by herpes disease, you should talk to someone you really trust. Tell me you are facing problem to a family member, close friend, or if you are willing to open up to others could also to psychologists. tell the people closest to the problem could be one of the therapeutic in calming yourself from the stress caused by herpes.
4 # Think more positive
Positive thinking might be difficult especially if you are faced with a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes this. However, if done even if only little by little, can affect your self to think more positively.
5 # Use protection against couple
If you have a partner, you should be honest about the disease that you are suffering to the couple. The best thing is she knows about your situation so that you both can run the action plan. And when you have sex with your partner, use a condom or other protective devices to prevent transmission of herpes simplex infect your partner.
6 # Perform regular maintenance of your illness
For now, medical experts do not know how to kill the herpes virus. But although there is no cure for the herpes virus to kill, you can still undergoing a routine treatment which aims to:
• To prevent outbreaks
• To reduce infect your partner
• To prevent symptoms recur
• To reduce the herpes virus in your body
Medical treatments available today for herpes simplex only aims to relieve symptoms or to prevent further spread of the herpes virus. Even so, it is still better than no treatment at all.
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Genital Herpes - STD information from CDC
Herpes Simplex: MedlinePlus
Gejala Herpes Kulit | Penyakit Kulit Herpes
Herpes Viruses Association for full information herpes ...ès
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