Showing posts with label Parenting & Families : Pregnancy & Childbirth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting & Families : Pregnancy & Childbirth. Show all posts

Thursday 5 June 2014

Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson GET PREGNANT NATURALLY

Pregnancy miracle by Lisa Olson, Here is a little review of the contents  5 Step Plan to Get Pregnant with Natural Fertility Treatments of the guideWill help you eliminate most of these infertility related conditions while restoring your energy and vitality  in 4-6 Weeks and giving you the healthy baby you've dreamed of for so long

This is based on the latest scientific research on how to stop the actual COUSE of 97% of infertility disorders

Sunday 1 June 2014

Exercise While Pregnant For The PRE and Postnatal With Birth Ball

Exercise While Pregnant For The PRE and Postnatal With Birth BallWhy Every Pregnant Mother should use a Birthball!
Less risk of pregnancy induced high blood pressure
Less risk of pregnancy induced diabetes
Less chance of forceps or ventouse
A shorter time in labor

A faster return to pre-pregnancy weight

Exercise While Pregnant

We say Congratulations on your pregnancy! 
We know that during pregnancy and the postnatal period is not easy to do sports activities, due to changes in routine and the condition of the body, the following appears a lot of worries, fear of doing the wrong things that have an impact on yourself and the baby. 

With years of experience in the Top Fitness Professionals Mark Hibbitts and specialist training grounds of pregnancy and postnatal Martin Beckley, will show ways of Safe and Effective to get fit and healthy conditions, such as hundreds of pregnant women who have followed the program :

With the hormonal and physiological changes, pregnant women are not recommended to do training that is not directed, for several reasons: