2 Methode Know The candida yeast symptoms-Simple and Easy

Excessive growth of candida (candida overgrowth) is a condition that can cause a number of symptoms and diseases. A large number of Americans suffer from a condition that is already widespread. However, there are things that are often overlooked in line with rejection drugs to fully acknowledge that the excessive growth of candida as a cause of more serious health problems.  to know the candida disease, there are two simple methods

Candida albicans is a species of pathogenic fungi Deuteromycota group. This species is a fungus that causes opportunistic infections called candidiasis of the skin, mucosa, and organs in humans, commonly found in the mouth, esophagus, colon, and genital tract. Normally, the good bacteria in the gut will compete with candida and keeping it under control without causing health problems. However, when the balance between good bacteria and candida disturbed, then the infection / candidiasis (candida Spreading to all parts of the body) can not be avoided anymore.

In the body, Candida will be controlled by good bacteria to remain in low numbers and balanced. Good bacteria in the body will work the way Candida consuming. Unfortunately, antibiotics, birth control pills, cortisone, alcohol, mostly junk food, and chemotherapy will kill the beneficial bacteria in the body (probiotics) that causes uncontrollable amount of Candida. When excessive growth, Candida will colonize the gastrointestinal tract, turned into a mold, and form a structure like root called rizoid. Rizoid structure can penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, making microscopic holes, and the cause of toxins, undigested food particles, and bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream nature. The condition is referred to as leakage bowel syndrome (leaky gut syndrome). Leaks in the intestinal wall will cause the yeast such as Candida can spread to various parts of the body, such as the mouth, sinuses, throat, reproductive tract, heart, and skin. Candida infection can cause a variety of health problems. In women it can cause vaginal discharge, itching and burning in the vagina commonly referred to as vaginitis. While candida infection in the mouth or commonly known as oral candidiasis / thrush, the developing tongue white coating that looks like sludge cheese, cover the red spots (erythematous) that can cause sore throat, pain when swallowing, nausea, and loss of appetite. This infection can spread to the esophagus and is called esophagitis.

Common symptoms related to candidiasis include:
  •  joint pain
  • chest pain
  • skin problems
  • acne
  • food and environmental allergies
  • hypoglycemia
  • Sexual disorders
  • impotence
  • urinary disorders
  • recurrent vaginitis
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • abnormal menstrual
  • fatigue
  • mood changes
  • irritability
  • depression
  • difficult to learn and concentration
  • hyperactivity
  • autism
  • indigestion
  • respiratory disorders
  • muscle pain, headache

To help eradicate candida, you also need to eat foods high in fiber, yogurt containing lactobacillus bacteria (good bacteria), and foods that contain natural antibiotics such as garlic, onion, onions, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage , and ginger root. In addition, you also need to take supplements of vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium, and zinc. Remember to maintain adequate nutrition and oxygen you, because candida can not live in an environment that is rich in oxygen. Oxygen Elements Plus proved capable of releasing oxygen from the water contained in your body and increase oxygenation of your body's cells continuously. Oxygen Elements Plus creates an environment that is rich in oxygen that make candida and other pathogens can not thrive. Lab test conducted by Bioscreen, California, has proven that Oxygen Elements Plus is able to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans fungi include, Aspergillus Niger, and various other pathogens.

A simple test to determine if you have candida problems:

Method 1. Answered the following questions:

1. Did you addicted / sugar cravings?
    (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

2. Did you usually have gas and bloating?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

3. Would you like bread, pasta, etc. (though the results of various types of wheat flour)?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

4. Did you use birth control pills for 6 months or more?
    (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

5. Regular Are you experiencing fatigue and / or muscle aches and pains?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

6. Did you have a sensitivity or allergy to food?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

7. Did you have nail moldy, disease athlete's foot or jock itch?
    (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

8. Did you have a vaginal yeast infection recurring?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

9. Did you ever use a broad-spectrum antibiotic although only one period?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

10. Did you experience a foggy mind?
     (YES) (NO)       (YES = 1; NOT = 0)

If your total score of 3 or higher, this indicates that you are likely to have problems of excessive growth of Candida.

Method 2 - other test

If you do not have candidiasis-a condition caused by excessive growth of candida, do a simple test and no charge to know NOW!!!
The first thing you should do in the morning, before you enter into ANY mouth, fill a glass with water glass normal temperature (room temperature). Try not to use tap water to reduce the possibility of contamination by minerals and chemicals. You should've put it on the side of the bed before you sleep at night so you do not forget to test the next morning. Spit a bit of your saliva into a glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes to 1 hour or more. If you have Candidiasis, you will see strings (like legs outstretched) walk down to the base / bottom of the glass and your saliva.

Linda Allen's (medical researcher, health consultant, certified nutritionist and author of health articles holistic, over 12 years researching and developing programs Candida albicansinfections, the program 

a combination of a five-step multi-dimensional against Candida albicans infections eradicate all types of fungal infections at all levels of severity:
  • Customizable, the unique conditions of each person is different depending on the guidelines, which are set to adjust strategies and methods that apply to your situation, teach step by step detect Candida albicans infection;
  • Solution life time, the method displays a unique set of protocols that can free Candida albicans infection permanently; 
  • The results of the exercise, personal perspective (people with Candida albicans infection) and research resulted in a unique and proven system eliminate the Candida infection;
  • Interactive, shows the proper ways to overcome Candida albicans infection; 
  • Practically, the application and the steps are simple and easy to apply into the natural lifestyle; 
  • Logic and easy to understand, with the presentation of a common language can be easily understood language and format to follow, logical and organized; 
  • The program continues to evolve as the uniqueness of the different symptoms of each individual; 
  • Ekslufif offer personal, professional counseling FREE via private email counseling and support.

Instructional diagrams and illustrations
that will guide you to permanently get
rid of your yeast infection faster than
you ever thought possible!
Another important fact an estimated 90% of the population suffer from Candida albicans infections, and that's about 40% of them are actually aware and seek treatment. 
For more information, visit the official website, 

Related Post:

Proven 5 Step Candida Yeast Infection Healing System

Candidiasis Yeast Infection Overview - eMedicineHealth


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