Thursday, 29 May 2014

Diabetes Mellitus Reverse Your Diabetes

Reverse Your Diabetes “Learn a Little-Known, But 100% Scientifically-Prov en Way To ERASE Your Diabetes mellitus in 3 SHORT weeks... ”
Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) , is a group of metabolic diseases caused by many factors 
(simtoma form of chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates , fats and proteins) due to a deficiency of insulin secretion , insulin activity and glucose transporter deficiency , or combination thereof , the patient has high blood sugar , patients with high blood sugar will usually experience :

  1. Polyuria factors, high blood sugar levels, increased excretion of glucose in the urine, increasing the amount of urine; 
  2. polydipsia factor, with more pee pee, triggering the central nervous system to increase the intake of drinking water (drinking water); 
  3. polifagia factors, the body can not fully absorb the glucose, because glucose is wasted with urine, the condition of the body lacks energy, thus spurring appetite; 
  4. Weight reduction factor, due to the absorption of food can not be fully utilised by the body; 
  5. Lethargy factors, oxidation of glucose to energy failure, which causes the body's energy shortage; 
  6. Decreased vision factors, an increase in blood sugar encourage the functional currency changes; 
  7. Complications of factors, many diabetics spur other disease complications.

              According to WHO ( World Health Organisation ) classification of diabetes mellitus based care and simtoma 
              • Type 1 diabetes mellitus , the body does not produce insulin ( simtoma ketoacidosis include destruction of beta cells , diabetes  ) , the patient should be on insulin injections for life , and keeping blood sugar and a special diet ;
              • Type 2 diabetes mellitus , the body does not produce insulin ( a deficiency of insulin secretion ) and insulin resistance , progressive disease ( gradually getting worse ) ;
              • Gestational diabetes mellitus , ( gestational impaired glucose tolerance , and gestational diabetes mellitus GI GT , GDM ) , this type usually affects women during pregnancy ;
              And according to clinical stage without consideration of the pathogenesis , made ​​into :
              • Diabetes mellitus requiring insulin for survival ( case C - peptide deficiency ;
              • Diabetes mellitus requiring insulin for control ;
              • Not insulin requiring diabetes .

              Diabetes mellitus, main symptoms

              " Diabetes " World Health Organisations . Retrieved 4 April 2014

              There are three different ways to test a person has Diabetes mellitus , prediabetes or normal , namely :
              • A1C test ;
              - At least 6.5 % mean Diabetes
              - Between 5.7 % - 5.99 % means Prediabetes
              - Less than 5.7 % means Normal
              • FPG ( fasting plasma glucose ) test
              - At least 126 mg / dl mean Diabetes
              - Between 100 - 125.99 mg / dl means Prediabetes
              - Less than 100 mg / dl mean Normal
              • OGTT ( oral glucose test tolerance )
              - At least 200 mg / dl mean Diabetes
              - Between 140 - 199.9 mg / dl means Prediabetes
              - Less than 140 mg / dl mean normal

              Diabetes mellitus is a disease that can be lowered , especially when both parents are diabetic, the disease develops with style and triggered from poor lifestyle , to control diabetes , we must be aware of to manage lifestyle with :
              • Education , understanding of diabetes and triggers that could make it worse , and the disease is not cured , but can be controlled ;
              • Food , maintaining a healthy diet and follow the rules of food that can maintain healthy blood sugar ;
              • Sport , with regular scheduled exercise patterns may encourage the burning of excess sugar ;
              • The mediation , when this is done only when necessary , when blood sugar drops should consult a physician for further action .
              Diabetes Mellitus Reverse Your Diabetes Today,
              As a reference material , now has developed a method :

              " Reverse Your Diabetes Today " Helps to Erase People 's Worries About Diabetes

              INFORMATION :


              Type Pre-diabetes
              Blood glucose level is higher than it should be (currently normal blood sugar levels considered to be less than 100 mg / dL when fasting and less than 140 mg / dL two hours after eating, most people healthier, lower sugar levels), the pre- diabetes blood cells become resistant to insulin or the pancreas does not produce insulin as needed, higher sugar content than the normal person but not enough to be called diabetes (impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance). The diagnosis of pre-diabetes can develop into diabetes type 1 and type 2, the good news is you can prevent the weight control, dietary changes and regular exercise. (According to the study 41 million Americans between the ages of 40-74 have pre-diabetes. Alerts and symptoms of pre-diabetes is found during the inspection sugar if sugar levels 100-125mg/dL you have pre-diabetes disorders, more than 126mg/dL is likely that you suffer from type 2 diabetes. lot of factors that trigger pre-diabetes include: .
              • obesity 
              • lifestyle and diet 
              • family history 
              • age 
              • race-African American, Indian and Hispanic are more prone to have diabetes 
              • metabolic syndrome 
              • a history of gestational

              Diabetes mellitus Type 1 
              The disease is very different from Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, type 1 Diabetes mellitus is a disease auto mun insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas (probably caused by a virus that attacks the immune system and the body's cells) which causes the pancreas can not produce insulin and sugar to accumulate in the blood of time to time damage the organs and blood vessels. People with type 1 Diabetes mellitus must have daily insulin injections to survive (maintain blood sugar levels with insulin intake from outside to replace the role of the pancreas). Type 1 Diabetes mellitus usually strikes children and young people, the disease attacks quickly, reduced insulin and blood glucose (hyperglycemia) with signs of frequent thirst, increased urination intensity, body feel tired, weight loss and blurred vision. How to test blood sugar levels to determine the amount of insulin required, should be done as often as possible (before eating, before sleeping, two hours after a meal, or before exercise). dietary adjustments must be carefully guarded, time to eat and what to eat in order intake of carbohydrates and fats to keep blood sugar and can be predicted, the best diet is low fat, low salt and low sugar. Thanks to advances in medical technology with type 1 Diabetes mellitus can live a normal life by following recommended by experts and get a shot of insulin appropriately.

              Diabetes mellitus Type 2
              Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of all cases of diabetes worldwide with 90-95% of cases. Factors that contribute to type 2 Diabetes mellitus usually triggered obesity / overweight; Poor diet; lifestyle; increasing age (21% aged over 60 yr of diabetes); family history; ethnicity; history of metabolic syndrome; gestational diabetes. In the process of digestion, food is split into glucose, glucose is released into the blood (stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin), insulin helps the glucose enter the body's cells for energy processes, when the body is resistant to the effects of insulin, glucose will continue to circulate in the blood , can not be absorbed by the cells of the body, and the body tries to eliminate glucose by other means. This leads to the problem of excess glucose, the cells can not be energy and glucose levels in the blood becomes high, causing damage to nerves and blood vessels (in the legs, arms, kidneys and eyes), the symptoms are usually frequent urination; often feel thirsty; weight loss; body feels tired and weak; tingling in hands, feet; blurred vision; skin becomes dry and itchy; healing of cuts and bruises to be slow. result of a continuous process that will lead to other effects in the body (complications):
              Nephropathy - kidney damage / kidney failure
                1. Neuropathy - nerve damage 
                2. Retinopathy - vision problems to blindness 
                3. Cardiovascular - heart disease and stroke risk 
                4. depression 
                5. Sexual dysfunction, decreased desire and erection in men 
                6. amputation
                          To know for sure about type 2 Diabetes mellitus, we must often conduct medical check-up blood tests on a regular basis, with early detection will help to control blood sugar before complications, action is now being done is giving oral medications to help balance sugar blood on the side with the help of insulin injections, some way of dealing with Diabetes mellitus type 2:
                            1. Drugs - oral and inject able antihyperglycemic, insulin 
                            2. Blood sugar control 
                            3. maintain body weight 
                            4. Dietary adjustments, dietary fat and the consumption of vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates, whole grains 
                            5. Regular exercise

                                    Before it already should we prevent the onset of diabetes, which is the basic principle maintain blood sugar balance with food behaviours and a healthy lifestyle, to understand more about diabetes (pre-diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes) and its treatment, we can learn from program:

                                    You're going to be amazed at the everyday items that you take for granted that have hijacked your pancreas...

                                    Get the inside scoop on how to quickly and easily detoxify your body, so your pancreas can heal and you can quit your Diabetes mellitus

                                    Including the most powerful acid-busting fruits and vegetables you can find in your local grocery store...

                                    You'll learn why diabetes drugs will keep you trapped in the disease and slowly make your diabetes worse, not better, including why your doctor is lying to you...

                                    Step-by-step directions on how to naturally regulate your blood sugar levels, eliminate systemic acidosis, and turbocharge your entire immune system...

                                    All with ridiculously simple and incredibly minor diet and lifestyle changes

                                    You'll get a complete guide on how you can use pioneering scientific advances to jump start your body's natural desire to be healthy again

                                      Reverse Type 2 Diabetes. The Original Bestseller! Up To 90% Comms! (view mobile)

                                      This method is used for prediabetes, Type 1 Diabetes mellitus and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, helps patients to lower high blood sugar levels or other complications that occur from the effects of Diabetes mellitusClick here

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